
“BTL Outruns ATL” What’s The Clue?

     As long as you don’t interact with your customers, you would never come to  understand the nuances of your business. It’s crucial for every company to get reviews from  the customers in order to update themselves and provide the best they can. After you establish  brand persona through print media, radio, television, you need to move to the customer.     Below the Line (BTL) marketing works for direct marketing focussed on first-hand  information about the service/ product. BTL marketing helps you know the direct response of  the customer. It’s based on customer satisfaction and innovative ways to reach the customer  with creative inputs towards customer satisfaction.      The ATL marketing system is a passive mode of communication. BTL marketing  ranges from activation campaigns to almost getting directly in touch with the customers  where they can promote the brand in person ...

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Our Partners In Growth

CogniSense is a blend of intelligence and common sense in optimal proportion. Here , we always strive to balance creativity with common sense so that it reaches intended audience in the most desirable way. Be it a concept, a campaign or a communication - we strongly believe in creating value for our clients by understanding their requirements precisely and applying our expertise cross functional exposure- emotionally and rationally. CogniSense utilizes its inherited network across India to bring out efficiencies and provide better  ROI to the clients. We always look forward to a sustainable and win-win business relationship. Our endeavor is to be different in order to cut through the clutter and have a positive bent of mind to think "Out of the box".